


planting a future at paseyo

Paséyo, pronounced ‘pa-say-yo’ was inspired by the spanish word ‘paseo’ which means ‘path’ and is commonly used in South American countries to describe a leisurely stroll, with good company, often on the way to get some yummy food. It is this happy, relaxed and meandering vibe that we wish to create for our customers.

We strive to be a responsible food business that offers nutritious yet fast, wholefood meals with as little impact on the planet as we can.

We acknowledge that there are significant challenges to overcome with regards to the impact human consumption has on this little blue planet that so many creatures call home and there are many creative ways we can all make a real difference.

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
- Michael Pollan - The Omnivore’s Dilemma

We create healthy, fresh, balanced and nutrient dense meals that creates a sensory delight for our customers. We think that the healthiest food is food you actually want to eat so that is why each one of our creations is not only nutrient dense, but we also do our best to make it taste amazing!

We embrace simplicity to provide nourishment that is quick and easy to order and deliver. Many of us live busier lives than we would like and sometimes it can be easier to grab a snack on the go than slowly cooking a nutritious meal at home. Paséyo has designed our menu and systems so that our food can be served as quickly as possible while still retaining a focus on health, taste and sustainable practices.

We acknowledge that it is due to the kindness and knowledge of those who have walked before us, the love and support of our family and friends, the care from our suppliers and enjoyment from our customers that makes all we do at Paséyo possible.

We are grateful to have the opportunity to be co-creating something special with you.

